For the past couple of month’s Slutty Fringe’s south London axis has been living high on the hog with the arrival in the culinary wasteland that is New Cross of the #Meateasy above the boarded up Goldsmiths Tavern.
A pop-up burger bar is one way of describing it but having worked our way through the menu several times over we’d rather call it a small piece of paradise here on earth.

Sadly all good things come to an end and the Meateasy closes on April 16th so if you’ve yet to try the best burgers that you’ll ever taste you’re running out of time, and should that inexplicably not be reason enough to venture South of the river then this Saturday our friends from Radioolio are staging an afterhours takeover.
From 9pm they’ll be providing a late night soundtrack of 50s juke joints and once the burgerettes have finished feeding the famished and cleared away the tables the music and dancing will go on till the last man (or woman) is standing.
Be warned though it’s chaotic, insanely busy, cramped and you’ll probably spill burger juice all down yourself but hey that’s all part of the fun so roll up, get a ticket, order one (or three) of their amazing cocktails and soak up the atmosphere of a restaurant quite unlike any other you’ll have been to recently.
To get you in the mood why not check out the mixtape Radioolio did for us last year.